In 2019 editor Toby Conway Hughes began working alongside directors Caswell Coggins and Kevin Lee Brown on a boxing documentary following the lives, struggles and aspirations of boxers from London's inner-city boroughs. The original plan was for a long form documentary...and then coronavirus changed everything...
Filming has had to stop and the dreams of the boxers have been put on hold, but most importantly a community already dealing with issues such as poverty, abuse and mental health issues is under even more pressure than ever.
With the uncertainty of when or if they would ever be able to continue the documentary on its original path the team decided to change tact and release a web series of mini boxing stories. The films are between 40 and 60 seconds long and are stand alone snippets of boxing life. Two or three films a week will be released on the @poshboydoc Instagram account.
Caswell explains 'In these unusual circumstances and to help this community under threat, we have decided to share some of our existing material with you. We will then go on to capture this story through the testing weeks ahead, using whatever means our technologies make safely possible.'
Toby follows 'I am so inspired by the boxers, coaches and community workers in these films. In the current climate there is very little editing work out there so I'm loving having such a great ongoing project to fill my time.'
Please check out the @poshboydoc Instagram to follow the stories as they are released.